Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ambassador Spotlight: TERMINATRYX

TERMINATRYX is a South African female-fronted Alternative band with Metal, Industrial and sometimes Gothic shades.

We recently sat down with bassist & backing vocalist Paul Blom and guitarist Patrick Davidson to discuss the band’s successful career and of course, their beards…

Tell us about TERMINATRYX and what your role is within the band.

PB: Sonja and I formed TERMINATRYX in 2002 and I took on the role of producer, songwriter and in the recording end of the spectrum I handle a lot of the engineering, and playing instruments like guitar, bass, programming, synths, backing vocals, and if need be, drums. Sonja is on lead vocals, Patrick on guitar and Ronnie on drums. I also run the website and social media, while Sonja and I conceive the various visual aspects, from band image to music videos. Live I play bass guitar and do backing vocals, the laptop taking care of all the electronic and programmed bits & pieces.  
We've very much charted our own course over almost one and a half decades, using our music as both a form of expression and commentary, but also as an audio and visual artistic outlet.  While there aren't too many bands like ours in South Africa, we traverse an area where we're neither too heavy, nor too light.  But regardless, we create how we feel and this may take many shapes and forms.

PD: TERMINATRYX has been my ticket to exploring the darker side.  As a session guitarist for the band since being 'recruited' by Paul and Sonja in 2007, it has been a fantastic avenue to leave my death metal comfort zone and expand my understanding the realm of entertainment and musical performance.

What are your personal achievements and highlights with TERMINATRYX?

PB: Having the longevity to stick it out for 14 years in a country where anything alternative is more marginalized than the rest of the world. Releasing 3 CDs, a DVD and an anthology within that period. Making some very cool music videos on our own terms, some winning international awards. Being selected to support touring international bands from Sigue Sigue Sputnik to Ministry. Performing at Popkomm in Germany. And being able to find a middle way in being not too extreme, or too mild, a spot not always occupied by anyone in this scene.

PD: I can't say much for personal achievements per say, because much of what I've experienced with this band have been more 'collective' achievements which I cannot claim personal credit for.  Highlights, on the other hand, are numerous!  I've had the privilege of performing onstage in support of international heroes like Ministry, Septic Flesh, Epica, Fleshgod Apokalypse, and also more localized heroes like The Awakening.  But more so, I'd have to say that some of the collaborations this band has engaged in have been personal highlights.  As if it's not enough to play onstage at every gig with legends like Paul Blom who was part of V.O.D, or Ronnie who was part of Gramlich, I've also managed to perform onstage with many other of my teenage idols like Paul Rickert (Battery 9), Theo Crous (K.O.B.U.S/Springbok Nude Girls), Francois Blom (K.O.B.U.S/V.O.D) and Craig Vee (solo entertainer) whilst they performed as guests at the occasional live shows.

How long have you had a beard and why did you start growing one?

PB: Since leaving school in 1988, it's fluctuated over the years. But probably since the mid-1990s.  I've never gone full-hog big bushy pirate beard, always keeping it slim and in the chin vicinity of an extended goatee (although Sonja likes it a bit fuller and with a 'tach - and want me to grow and wax it). Not sure why I started growing it - I guess partially it cuts down on shaving time! 

PD: I've been growing and shaving beards regularly since leaving high school.  The current beast has been a part of my face since 2010 though.  It actually had nothing to do with TERMINATRYX, but rather another project I joined where we only did covers of the Viking-inspired metal band Amon Amarth for a time.  One of the prerequisites we agreed on at the time was that each member required a fuck-off beard!!  Mine just hasn't realized the party is over yet.

What are your thoughts on the current popularity of facial hair?

PB: Like everything, facial hair can also be a fad.  And currently it is at an all time high, from Hipsters to transvestite Eurovision winners. Just like everything, I don't really care about fashion fads (which Hipsterism naturally is), and go about my things without being affected by it - in a world where everyone is scrambling for retweets, it leads to silly shit like posing with tiny flowers shoved into beards - Boredom is a weird thing, but I have too much on my plate to waste on things like that - Yet, if it floats your boat, have a blast! (However when it becomes a dumb-ass war between the bearded and clean shaven on who is more superior, like meat eaters and vegans, I switch off and let the children waste their time on pointless crap - do whatever works for you). When it comes to you and your identity, do what the hell you like, don't let trends dictate who you are, as when these blow over you won't to scramble to latch on to the next in vogue 'thing'.

PD: Fads come and go.  A mighty beard stands forever fast!

Have you ever used beard grooming products before?

PB: No, I just used to bleach the extended centre section and leave it white or dye it red or blue (in the '90s).

PD: Not actually, no.  Lately, a couple of promo goodies have found their way to me though, and it's been quite an adventure.

Now that you have, what are your thoughts?

PB: I've never had issues with it being too scruffy or unruly, but Dark Waters has added a more "conditioned" sleek feel. 

PD: It' a bit like chocolate cake.  Once it has been tasted, it cannot be untasted!

Which of your idols has the "best" beard?

PB: Don't have too many bearded idols, but British actor Brian Blessed had quite a chin-bush! Maybe Scott Ian from Anthrax, Tom Araya from Slayer.  And of course, Patrick Davidson!

PD: I'm going to go with Johan Hegg from the Viking-inspired metal band Amon Amarth.  It might not be the trendiest or most luscious, but the man wears the thing like a coat of arms!

What is next for TERMINATRYX?

PB: For the rest of 2016 we'll be focusing on having our 2014 "Shadow" album remixed.  Have quite a few exciting ones lined up so far incl. Grimehouse.  We'll also be spending some time making more music videos, including one for the Afrikaans song "Ontvlugting" (on the Ingrid Jonker tribute compilation album "Die Kind Is Nog Jonger" released late May 2016), and the song "Medusa", plus plans for videos of some of the remixes.  Then we also have to start working on new material and start digging into loads of ideas laid down in bits and pieces.

PD: Last year was a momentous one with live shows and traveling.  This year it seems there will be a bit more of a backseat approach and focusing back onto music creation.

Photo Credits: Megan Davies, Ric Shields, Bryn De Kocks

Always stay sharp,